Events and Recommendations

Check out Kevin's events calendar & shopping recommendations below....updated details will be published as we receive them.

PARKING MAP of the downtown historic core if you must. Cash at meters is being phased out, download the HotSpot app or better still - walk!
Everything on this map is less than a 15 minute walk away from The Rectory and our suites. Get yer sneakers on!
Restaurant interactive MAP. Remember we are 218 Ontario (at Nile) 

Here For Now Theatre. Their outdoor 2020, '21,  '22 & '23 and '24 seasons were fab, we loved it and can't wait to see more in 2025 in their new indoor heritage blackbox theatre venue downtown. Intimate, exciting, great value and featuring many of the faces you know. Why wouldn't you go?
Sign up for their newsletter here

Black Swan brewing, Jobsite , Stratford Brewing Co along with nearby Shakespeare Brewing Co endeavour to keep us refreshed, yeah!

Distillery option: Junction 56  Various flavoured Gins (we love the rhubarb infused), Vodka and Whiskeys. Next door to a two for one type of afternoon?

Stratford Chef School Summer Open Kitchen class – and a great meal – to your house! Winter dinner series announced. Click here to book.

The Little Prince Cine-Lounge a tiny cinematic inspired experience at 62 Wellington St downtown. World's smallest cinema-perhaps. 

Art in the Park
, every Wednesday, Saturday and Sunday, June to September - weather permitting. Features up to 50 artists and a wonderful selection of one of a kind pieces. Take a few minutes and meet these interesting folks. Lakeside Drive, Stratford. Look for Dave Humphrey and Edward Payne's art in the house!

Stratford Shakespeare Festival  Follow on @stratfest, Youtube,  facebook

Shopping news 
soon to be considered an extreme sport in both the Winter and Summer Olympics....

We like to shop local right here in Stratford. Especially as all these stores are not more than 10 minutes from our door.

The Green Room Helen's eclectic The Green Room is a welcome escape from big box stores and a ‘must visit’ when in Stratford. Lovingly curated treasures ranging from a huge selection of brand name boots to sassy greeting cards, from a select range of lingerie to Pendelton plaid shirts.

Kinna Shona, Sartaj has some of the most beautiful textils/clothing you'll come across in SW. Ontario. One of a kind fabrics and we love her clothes -warm rich colours of museum quality fabrics as one has mentioned. Yes, we're usually wearing her garb at the B&B!

Your guide to online shopping from local artisans and creators in Stratford and Perth County Start Stratford

Slow Food Stratford brings it's Sunday Market downtown every Sunday 10am-1pm.

Note my recently purchased fine Harris Tweed vest from Macleods Scottish Shop is a nod to the past-it's hard to find quality product in bricks and morter stores anymore, thankfully not an issue here in Stratford. British chocolates there too including my favourites, marmite crisps, Irn Bru & curly wurly's! They are now stocking Guinness 'wear'. Sign up for their newsletter-very amusing.

Rhumba, 80 ontario St for wonderful ladies wear-so says Kim!

Cora Couture 78 Ontario st - for the ladies. Think natural linen.

Jo at Resonance a wonderfully curated store , both in person and online. 23 Downie St.

Or you can wander to Balzac's, Revel or The Ashborne Cafe (formally Edisons) at 95 Ontario St) for a excellent coffee & snacks. Try Snapping Turtle for a coffee in St.Mary's when visiting that area and across the road is Troyer's Spices to jazz up your culinary game.

Erla at Gallery Indigena has curated much outstanding art of indigenous people. Maxine Noel who now lives in Stratford exibits much of her art here and may be purchased onsite.

Fanfares bookstore is only 3 minutes walk down the street. Pre order and online pickup available.

The Milky Whey Cheese Lovely selection of local and not so local cheeses. 118 Ontario St.

Rheo Thompson Candies for your sweet treats and the original mint smoothies-55 Albert St or try Chocolate Barr's at 55 George St West.

Flower arrangements-try Stratford Blooms. Owner operated (Amanda) and will deliver to the house. 519 814 5000 

You can still do your online 'local' shopping at Start Stratford


Golf - Stratford Country Club, Rebel Creek, Science Hill Golf Club & St.Mary's Golf Club.

St Mary's has the Canadian Baseball Hall of Fame.
Also in St.Mary's stop at Lauren Whitney Lifestyles for gifting ideas.

The Stratford farmers market . 7am-noon every Saturday.

One last note; Please don't get disapointed, book your favourite event or dinner early. We are always happy to make reservations for you. (We especially recommend this option for those arriving on friday evenings).
In any event, you can always call us for up to the minute advice, directions or even a chat!

We do appreciate and value your input on Google Reviews 
You can also go to the forums on Tripadvisor, (or even review B&B's!!) We sometimes use it ourselves when we travel, but always cross reference the information shown, just to be sure as sadly they accept paid sponsorship which does influence rankings. To post on their forum you will need to log in or register, it's very easy! We do appreciate your input either way - thank you.